Hylands NuAge Labs Bio Plasma - 125 Tablets
Homeopathic Tissue Remedy
Bioplasma is a Combination of the Twelve Biochemic Remedies.
This remedy is a combination of the twelve homeopathic biochemic tissue salts. It is useful as a supplement to assist the bodys own defenses in maintaining good health. Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Calc Sulph, Ferrum Phos, Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Kali Sulph, Mag Phos, Nat Mur, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph and Silica, in combination, are useful for the restoration and maintenance of balance within the body.
Bioplasma is a combination of all twelve tissue remedies. Though it is not the equivalent of taking the salts individually according to the symptomology, Bioplasma fills a critical space on the shelf of Biochemistry. Bioplasma helps to insure that the body is able to fully utilize the minerals made available to it in a proper diet and from additional supplementation.