63.5 Inch H Colonial Tulip Floor Lamp Floor Lamps
Color Theme: Beige Burgundy Pink Amber Xag
Collection: Tiffany Floral Nouveau
Pearlescent beige glass panels with plum pink colonial| tulips setting atop spring green leaves are accented | with amethyst jewels and waves of mahogany granite | glass. The mahogany bronze finished floor lamp base | repeats the tulip pattern with embossed waves and | swirling leaves. |
Collection: Tiffany Floral Nouveau
Pearlescent beige glass panels with plum pink colonial| tulips setting atop spring green leaves are accented | with amethyst jewels and waves of mahogany granite | glass. The mahogany bronze finished floor lamp base | repeats the tulip pattern with embossed waves and | swirling leaves. |